Terms of References for Carrying out Consultancy work on conducting country Audits and developing Improving Tanzania Economic Freedom Audit and Matrix document by reviewing the recent Economic Freedom index and other documents both local and international”
Liberty Sparks is a research-based, free-market think tank committed to promoting economic, social, and political liberty. Our mission is to enhance individual understanding and advocacy for policy reforms that drive economic growth, innovation, and poverty reduction.
Economic Freedom Auditing is one of Liberty Sparks’ core programs focused on researching and recommending policy reforms to advance economic freedom in Tanzania. Supported by the Atlas Network, this ongoing project aims to improve Tanzania’s position in global economic freedom rankings and foster a more favorable environment for businesses and trade.
The Economic Freedom of the World (EFW) Index highlights the transformative impact of economic freedom on well-being, poverty reduction, and economic growth. The Index assesses countries based on five key dimensions:
- Size of Government: Evaluating the extent of government intervention in economic activities.
- Legal System and Property Rights: Ensuring judicial independence, enforcement of contracts, and protection of property rights.
- Sound Money: Promoting monetary stability and controlling inflation.
- Freedom to Trade Internationally: Reducing barriers to trade and enhancing global market access.
- Regulation: Simplifying credit, labor, and business regulations to promote entrepreneurship.
Tanzania faces significant challenges in these areas, as reflected in its declining performance on the EFW Index. Recent annual ratings indicate a drop in the country’s global ranking, particularly in:
- Trading Across Borders: Tanzania’s score fell from 6.37 in 2020 to 6.27 in 2021, ranking 105th among 192 economies. Issues include administrative inefficiencies, high costs, and time delays.
- Regulatory Efficiency: Burdensome business regulations hinder entrepreneurial growth.
- Property Rights and Rule of Law: Weak judicial systems, limited enforcement of contracts, and inadequate protection of property rights.
Additionally, disparities in economic freedom between men and women highlight the need for gender-sensitive reforms, as women’s property and business rights are often undermined.
This project aims to address these gaps by developing an Improved Tanzania Economic Freedom Matrix, guided by insights from the EFW Index and tailored to local realities. The matrix will provide actionable recommendations for policymakers and stakeholders to create a more conducive economic environment.
The Liberty Sparks is looking for an informed policy analyst and consultant to carry out a consultancy service to review the World Economic Freedom Reports and other related reports, identify gaps, and recommend policy reforms for improving Tanzania’s economic freedom.
The main objectives of this consultancy are:
- Conduct a Comprehensive Review:
- Analyze local and international reports, studies, and laws related to Tanzania’s economic environment.
- Identify key gaps and challenges in economic freedom indicators, including trading across borders, regulatory efficiency, property rights, and market openness.
- Recommend Policy Reforms:
- Propose actionable reforms to improve Tanzania’s performance on the Economic Freedom Index.
- Ensure that recommendations address issues of gender disparity and promote inclusive growth.
- Produce Policy Papers:
- Develop high-quality reports, policy paper and matrix document to guide reforms and support advocacy efforts among policymakers, private sector leaders, and other stakeholders.
The consultant will be responsible for carrying out the following tasks:
Document Review:
- Analyze global reports, including the Economic Freedom of the World Index, and other relevant international indexs.
- Examine local laws, policies, and studies related to all Economic Freedom Report indicators.
Stakeholder Engagement:
- Conduct roundtable discussions and interviews with key informants, including policymakers, private sector representatives, trade experts, and civil society organizations.
- Ensure inclusive representation, particularly from women-led businesses and marginalized groups.
Work Planning and Coordination:
- Develop a detailed work plan and schedule for the consultancy.
- Facilitate an inception meeting with Liberty Sparks’ project team to discuss scope, methodology, and deliverables.
Drafting and Validation:
- Draft the Tanzania Economic Freedom Audit and Matrix, highlighting key gaps and proposing actionable recommendations.
- Present draft findings to Liberty Sparks and stakeholders for feedback and validation.
Final Deliverables:
- Audit Report:
A high-level Economic Freedom Country Audit Report, policy papers, and Matrix document with recommendations on:
- Size of Government:
- Legal System and Property Rights:
- Sound Money
- Freedom to Trade Internationally:
- Regulation
- Final Consolidated Report:
- A comprehensive report summarizing findings, analysis, and recommendations.
- A framework for the Improved Tanzania Economic Freedom Matrix.
The consultancy will contribute to:
- Enhanced understanding of Tanzania’s economic freedom landscape.
- Evidence-based policy recommendations to improve Tanzania’s global ranking on the Economic Freedom Index.
- A strategic roadmap for implementing reforms in key areas of index, including trade facilitation, property rights, regulatory efficiency and others.
- Increased awareness and advocacy for gender-sensitive and inclusive economic reforms.
The contracted Consultant should be an Individual or registered entity in Tanzania, pays taxes, and have a minimum experience of at least 5 to 10 years in Policy work and research in Tanzania. Should have qualified experts to carry out policy review, strong facilitation, and influential figure, analytical and report writing skills in order to carry out responsibilities and credible report.
The consultancy work should start as soon as a consultant is awarded this bid, 14 days from the date of approval and signing of the contract. Not more than three months are dedicated to this review and policy paper submission.
This consultancy will be fully managed by Liberty Sparks Tanzania through its directorate of Research and Education. The consultant will bear all administrative, management, and direct costs related to the activities that will be carried out and to be presented in the budget proposal.
All communications related to activities should be channeled to the Director of Research and Education or Executive Director at Liberty Sparks.
Bid proposal should cover the following:
- An inception report with detailed work plan.
- A one page of Consultants’ understanding of the ToRs.
- Two pages of the proposed methodology, activities, and expected outcomes;
- A detailed activities schedule/work plan with time frame
- Financial proposal including: Itemized consultant’s fees, and administration expenses; Validity period of quotation; Expected mode and payment plan.
- A profile of the consulting firm or individual including the full names, physical addresses, telephone numbers, and contact person of the firm/company; date of registration, registration number, copy of registration certificate and VAT certificate; names of directors/proprietors;
- Copy of CVs of all the consultants who will undertake activities
- Submission to be done via email address. (Only softcopy is recommended)
Technical and financial Proposals to be submitted in a soft copy via [email protected] on 21th January 2025 before 17:00hrs.
Only the top three shortlisted Consultants will be asked to submit their hard copy proposals to the Director of Research Office located at Kunduchi, Mtongani, Dar es Salaam – Tanzania.
Any inquiries related to this bid may be addressed to [email protected] before 21th January 2024. No, any issues will be received as late as two days before the deadline.
Consultants will be selected on the basis of how well they can fulfil the requirements of the Terms of Reference and an assessment.
All documents, papers and data produced during the assessment will be Liberty Sparks’ property and restricted for public use with ought prior permission. The contracted agency/consultant will submit all original documents, materials, and data to the Director of Research at our office.
Liberty Sparks reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals without assigning any reason what so ever.
Activities will be led by the consultant, in close relationship with Liberty Sparks.
The activities agreed in this consultancy should be carried out in a very professional manner with respect to the Policy agenda
The consultant undertaking activity must demonstrate commitment to strictly adhering to Protection Policy and Code of Conduct. It is the responsibility to Liberty Sparks ensures that all persons hired, used or otherwise consulted for this exercise, are made familiar with the policies and are in agreement to also abide by them before their services are agreed to. Any violation /deviation in complying with policy will result in termination of the agreement.
Statement: A Peaceful, Freer and Prosperous Africa can Defeat Coups- African Think Tanks