Learning week was all good.
“Liberty not only means that the individual has both the opportunity and the burden of choice; Liberty also means that he must bear the consequences of his actions. Liberty and responsibilities are inseparable’’ –
this is some of the interesting words and lessons from Friedrich August Von Hayek.
On June, we organized a learning week in Tanzania, an intense week with several events and it was really amazing! Thanks to everyone who had positive encouragement and support in making all of these happen!
Liberty Sparks as a think tank, an independent, non- partisan, non-profit, and non-political think-tank organization, whose mission is to improve and promote individual understanding of economics, social and political liberty by emphasizing on public policies basing on the products such as principles of rule of law, individual rights, limited government, free-market and property rights, thought of bringing your attention to an important issue happened on leaning week that started on 25-29 June.
Learning week carry series of events that including the main events which Liberty Sparks organize each year to increase knowledge of the media, business community, students and making sure that people have a better understanding of the values and foundations of a free society.
After the programs participants are expected to be able to promote ideas and share with others the knowledge acquired for prosperity of African societies. Our team appreciate all the people who left their works and join us, that shows how much the ideas of Liberty are important. This year, the learning week benefited around 410+ people in Tanzania and some from other African countries .
Feel free to check some of the pictures that cover all major programs of the week by clicking here.
Please if you need the entire report of the learning week let us know.; evans@libertysparks.org.
A quick recap of events hosted that week:
UHURU Media Training: was a media training that involved 31 participants from different media in Tanzania. The selection was divided into two ways, 20 participants were selected as successful candidates from media industry (radio and Tv). Other 11 participants were students of journalism who have shown interest in working with liberty sparks to advance liberty agenda through articles.
We received 200 application for this training and only 30 people were selected on merit basis. The training took place at Jamirex hotel. The facilitators of the training were Prof. Brian Baugus from Regent University, Rejoice Ngwenya from COMALISO- Zimbabwe, Andy Eyschen From Language for Liberty- Malaysia, Andreas Jurgens – from freedom today –German and Advocate Deogratius Bwile.
The program had participants from Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. The training covered different topics including:
How Two Ideologies in One Country works; Introduction to Classical Liberalism; Understanding the Liberal Framework within the Realms of Public Policy Formulation; Exposing Government-induced Inflation and GDP– how real is it?; Internet freedom –Cyber Crime Act; Media Censorship in Africa; Media Research and reporting; Identifying Tools for Economic Journalism; Right Headline Right Content and lastly was questioning and answers from attendees.
Young Scholars Colloquium (YSC): started with dinner gala, involved students from different African countries at Jamirex Hotel on June 25, this was also the best!
Our facilitator Prof.Brian Baugus, Rejoice Ngwenya and Evans Exaud introduced the two days programs which covered main six sessions:,
Entrepreneurship & development, Hayek’s Theory Of Knowledge, innovation & economic growth, Christian social teaching, Government and Rule Of Law.
The Young Scholars Colloquium involved 30 participants who were students from different countries in Africa; from Malawi, Kenya, Uganda, Zimbabwe and Tanzania.
Around 120 students applied to attend YSC program but the selection was made in three considerations, 12 people were selected as the winner of Free-market great debate from four regions in Tanzania, 10 students where top leaders with Students for Liberty Africa, 10 were selected as leaders of IDEAS program initiated by Liberty Sparks and fellows from other think tanks in Africa.
The two days program involved intense discussions for all participants to be able to participate fully, we shared the list of questions and reading materials to participants for reviews 8 weeks prior to program dates.
The materials and books shared include; Map from WJP; World Justice Project Rule of Law Index 2016 pages 3 to 44; Barry Macleod-Cullinane “Lon L Fuller and the Enterprise of Law”; Frederic Bastiat “The State”; Philip Booth (ed) Catholic Social Teaching and the Market Economy extracts pp 23 – 55; Nathan Rosenberg “Innovation and Economic Growth”; World Economic Forum Report “These Are the World’s Most Innovative Economies”; WEF Report Is Africa Leading the innovation Revolution?; WEF Report Africa Needs An Innovation Revolution; F A Hayek “The Use of Knowledge in Society.”; Norman Barry “The Tradition of Spontaneous Order”; The foundation for a free society; and lastly the Daron Acemoglu et al “Institutions as the Fundamental Cause of Long-Run Economic Growth”
All participants received certificates, books Cd and T-shirts for attending the program. Our training ended with a walking trip from Jamirex to Istanbul, one of a Turkish restaurant in the Mall showing a vivid example of how important is to have a free society, since none of them have ever been in Turkey yet they had a taste of Turkish food in Tanzania, something you can’t get in some part of the world.
Uhuru Con, held on 28th at Kebby’s Hotel with the theme “Entrepreneurship & Leadership: Hope for Tanzania”
The conference speakers of included Professor Brian Baugus, Rejoice Ngwenya, Evans Exaud who gave opening remarks. Zakayo Solomon, Eric Crispin and Dr Nelsen Amar who were the main speakers for the high-level panel discussion moderated by Iga Leonard from Uganda.
After lunch, there was a Free Market Debate that was administered by Ronald -our local volunteer and involved debaters who were the winners of Free Market Great Debate in Tanzania, who also attended YSC.
Another panel discussion was moderated by Muoki Musila from Kenya with Zakayo Solomon, Professor Brian and Rejoice as the speakers who talked about a visionary Leader and free society: Is there a need?
We also had an interview moment with local media including TVs; Channel Ten, Nipashe and Mwananchi. Our team went through the screening procedure of more than 600+ people who applied to attend the conference. Our team approved only 250 students to attend and only 197 attended the program.
This is one of the highest target numbers we ever had from our past conference. The screening procedure helped us to get strong candidates, some of them with leadership experience and all our participants received CD and certificate after the conference.
Other topics covered include; Classical Liberalism, Leadership & Entrepreneurship; Property and the rule of law: lessons from Southern Africa; How to grow rich with entrepreneurship spirit and Africa we want, agenda 2063.
Uhuru Business Gala dinner involved different business individuals and some of the potential and future partners of Liberty Sparks. This was the first time we hold an event of this kind. We invited 150 and only 110 mad it to the event and the rest couldn’t attend due to their busy schedules.
The dinner began with meeting new friends in speed dating prepared behind the venue followed with the dinner. The words of ideas will never be enough if the world is changing every day, to have an impact on social, economic and political spheres, there should be a someone to tell a story.
After a short introduction from our executive director Evans Exaud, Prof Brian Baugus, our special guest shared the power of entrepreneurship and free enterprises toward prosperous society. He used the short video called wonderful loaf to explain the potential hidden within the human force.
After Prof Brian Baugus’ presentation, Jocelyn Lee facilitated the stone talk, that proved how is not hard to learn big Ideas in 10 minutes on a panel of bright minds and participants got chances to learn from Erick Crispin (True Maisha) spoke about “Social entrepreneurship” -Rejoice Ngwenya (CEO- COMALISO) on “Inter African Trade”.Brian Baugus (Regent University) on “Economic and Free Market system” –Zakayo Solomon on “Why we need a Free society”
A winning side of Ideas is not easy to tell and it takes years to move the window of possibilities, that was Evans Exaud trying to explain Liberty Sparks progress, promising future and later called professor Brian for awarding the winner of Free-Market Great Debate that took place in 20 colleges and universities with four regional debate in Tanzania.
The winner of the Debate was Hajat Issac from Muslim University Morogoro who declared a winner of the debate by our Judges. Brian also expresses the gratitude to the work done by Dr.Tom Palmer in “the morality of capitalism” book and “Ideas for free Society CD” by Linda Whetstone
Uhuru Business Class. On 29 we visited some of the business individuals in Ukonga that received our training past 7 months. In a brief, Liberty Sparks host training every week to support the campaign “No Poverty” by training business individuals in Ukonga, a partner project with Regent University lead by Prof. Brian and Jocelyn Lee.
On this day we had a gathering of more than 60 business individuals and mostly women, where Brian and Evans got time to speak and listen to some of the barriers that facing this community despite the training they received from Liberty Sparks. We also visited various pols stations where these business people put their products to showcase their hand made products.
Current the program impacted more than 750+ business in Ukonga. Prof Brian also got a chance to speak on this gathering, being supported by our Executive Director to translate into Swahili and also in English. He promised to help their business with machines that will help them to reduce the time frame during production and increase production
How will your Country be after your lifetime Perhaps will be running according to what you wish and perhaps not? Think Tanks Like Liberty Sparks that stand for principles of free society might remain forever to support policy reforms and provide an alternative to change. Thanks for your continuous support.